

Castelfidardo (locally Castle) is an Italian town of 19 000 inhabitants the province of Ancona in the Marche .
Castelfidardo stands on a hill 212 m above sea level , between the valleys of the rivers Aspio and roller . Is 22 kilometers far from Ancona , 8 km from the Conero Riviera and all around, a few kilometers, the city of Porto Recanati , Loreto , Recanati and Osimo . It overlooks the forest of Castelfidardo .
The main square is Piazza della Repubblica where you overlook the town hall and the Collegiate Church of Santo Stefano with adjoining crypt. The town hall also houses the International Museum of the accordion . The instrument has also dedicated a memorial site on Via Matteotti wanted by Alberto Bacchiocchi, industrial Castelfidardo and executed by Franco Castelfidardo Campanari. In front of this monument is Palazzo Sopranos. Paul was the founder of the accordion. Today, it houses apartments, but on the ground floor with artisan Giancarlo Francenella you can see some examples of accordions Castelfidardo. On all the accordion world's largest made by the same Francenella, every right in the Guinness Book of Records .

Among the most important squares in the square also Castelfidardo Don Minzoni, commonly called Porta Marina is the balcony that overlooks the city just on the Adriatic Sea . Characteristic is the famous arch, one of the main access roads to the city and the floor below recently brought to light.

Also worth a visit there: the old aqueduct in Piazza Garibaldi, the national monument of Marche , in remembrance of the Battle of Castelfidardo by the Venetian sculptor Vito Pardo , the Museum of the Risorgimento , and the Ossuary spreaders in the locality. Nearby Selva also true green lung of the city.
Castelfidardo is world famous for the production of accordions , by which also supplies a discreet tourism. Numerous other industries of various kinds are scattered around the city, in different areas, so that it becomes an important production center of Italy.
Castelfidardo based ITIS A. Meucci, high school with courses in applied sciences, electronics and telecommunications

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